Thursday, July 11, 2024

Cherry Clafoutis Recipe • Delicious French Fruit Tart! | Club Foody


Ahhh, summer… my favorite season! It’s warm and sunny, the days are longer and most people take their vacation or at least more time off. We swap our heavy cloths for shorts, t-shirts 👕 and flip flops. Everywhere we look, there’s a flourishing landscape against a gorgeous blue sky,
Picnics and barbecues are other reasons why summer is so fun! There’s also a wide assortment of fruits. They’re fresh, juicy, tasty plus affordable. To me, they’re summer’s candies! From strawberries to watermelon 🍉, peachesblueberries, etc., the choice is vast.
One fruit that I can’t get enough of are cherries 🍒 but not just any kind… the Bing cherry ones! They’re my ultimate summer treat! Dark with a sweet-tart flavor, these little gems have a very short-window and as soon as I see some, I’m all over them!
From the end of June until August, I try to take advantage as much as I can by baking or cooking 👩‍🍳 with them. I make Cherry Pie, an elegant Canard aux Montmorency, sip a refreshing Cherry Cola Float on a hot summer day, make Cherries Jubilee, churning my Black Cherry Ice Cream, and so on.
Another recipe I love making with these little guys is Cherry Clafoutis! Incredibly easy to make, this French crustless fruit tart is so delicious 🤩! The fruits are baked in a sweet batter and served warm with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream… a perfect summer dessert!
I make mine slightly different from others out there – what else is new 😉! First, I macerate the cherries in sugar and Cherry brandy although the liqueur can be substituted with my Cherry Simple Syrup. In that case, reduce the sugar to 1 tablespoon instead of two.
The rest is super easy. Put all the ingredients in the jar of a blender, process until smooth and then pour it over the cherries! Transfer to the preheated oven and bake until the top is golden brown. If the top of the Cherry Clafoutis starts getting too dark while baking, loosely tent a piece of foil on top.
I normally bake for 45 minutes ⏰ or until a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean with just a few crumbs. If it’s not quite set after ¾ of an hour, turn off the heat and let it sit, with the door closed, for another 15 minutes before removing from the oven.
I like to let it cool for 30 minutes before serving. If desired, the top can be dusted with powdered sugar. I don’t as I find the cherries sweet enough but it’s commonly served with sugar on top. I prefer a nice big scoop of vanilla ice cream 🍦…
This Cherry Clafoutis is perfect to make when these little guys are around. Decadent and absolutely scrumptious, this easy French dessert recipe is ideal for the summer 😎! It’s another delightful treat to enjoy!
Bon Appétit! 🍽
Here are more scrumptious summer dessert recipes for you to try… 😀
– Biscoff Icebox Cake
– Bumbleberry Pie
– Fruit Salad
– Mango Purée with Mixed Berries and Cointreau
– Blueberry Cake
– Peach Cobbler
– Strawberry Ice Cream
and for even more dessert recipes 🍰🍩, click on this link… Recipe Category • Dessert

For ingredient amounts, directions, and much more, visit

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Cherry Clafoutis

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