Thursday, February 1, 2018

Pumpernickel Spinach Dip

The 2018 Super Bowl is coming up this weekend. If you are a football fanatic, you’ll probably get together with your friends to eat and drink while enjoying the game. If you’re not into football at all (what’s wrong with you?… lol!), what the heck, it’s a good reason to throw a party anyway…!

When hosting a sporting event party, there’s no “proper” sit down dinner. There are only finger foods, finger foods and more finger foods placed in every room where there’s a TV… okay maybe not in the bedrooms or bathrooms. There’s sure to be a lot of fried food served so maybe making something not “fried” is a good add on to the menu – is there really a menu going on that day? There’s a party food recipe that I like making when I have a large group of friends over and it is my Pumpernickel Spinach Dip! Everyone enjoys it!

The first time I was introduced to it was to celebrate my godchild Emily’s baptism. My friends Isabelle and Bill from Mt Pleasant Michigan had a big reception at their place after church. There was so much food around and if it wasn’t the fact that her side of the family including myself were from Canada, this party would’ve ended up with even more food (not very convenient to bring food from Toronto to Michigan while crossing the border). This dip was sitting there on the dining room table along with others and what caught my attention were all the little pieces of bread surrounding the loaf that was the food vessel for the dip. I took a bit and right away I just had to know what it was. Isabelle told me and I took a mental note to make it for my next big party…

The last time I served this delicious dip was last year for our House Warming party at the end of September and as always, it was well received and disappeared fast! It is an easy and quick recipe to make for any occasion therefore next time you have a big party – like this coming weekend – with lots of friends, you’ll know exactly what to make.
Bon Appétit!


For ingredient amounts and much more, visit

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