Thursday, March 22, 2018

Pâte à Choux aka Choux Pastry

I don’t know if you had the same thing when you were a child but in my house, my mother always had dessert. It was her bargain tool (lol…) for my brother and I to finish our main course. “You guys won’t have dessert until you finish what is in your plate…” -, she used to say. I remember once I just didn’t like at all what was for dinner and after sitting a couple hours at the dining table, I was sent to bed without eating any dessert. I realized (only that night) that I was able to skip desserts… it wasn’t a big deal! Of course, this new revelation didn’t last me long because right the next evening I was back enjoying dessert again after my meal… It’s only in my teenage years that I could live without… well… that’s the theory!

Each time I host a diner party, I always have a homemade dessert for my guests. To me it ends a meal nicely. You know when I mention about “… living without dessert”, this statement is actually more in the grey area. Actually there are a few desserts that I cannot live without and I definitely don’t need the excuse to make them only when there’s company over… although it does help to don’t eat them all. Two of my favorites have the same common denominator and it is Pâte à Choux also known as Choux Pastry…

Years ago I wanted to start making Pâte à Choux and the only person I knew how to make this was my mother. After asking her, I’ve been making it since. Pâte à Choux is a base for many pastry dessert such as Cream puffs, Croquembouche, Saint-Honoré cake, Beignets, Chocolate Éclair – this recipe will be posted next month -, and so on as well as Gougères which is more a savory pastry served as an appetizer or along a main course, Pommes Dauphine, etc. It’s not complicated to make and this is definitely a recipe that you need in your binder. I love pastries with Pâte à Choux and so do my guests even when everyone is full – they’ll still find room to enjoy them…
Bon Appétit


For ingredient amounts and much more, visit

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