Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Hungarian Goulash Recipe - European Beef Stew | Club Foody

I like cooking dishes that simmer on the stove top for hours. The aroma floats in the air and it gives that “homey” atmosphere all through the house. It’s says – “Welcome, we’ll be serving great food soon…” –

When I was working as a food analyst for an American cooking website, some of the women in the Canadian division that were doing the same as I was preferred cooking in a pressure cooker. I don’t and refuse to because I love the smell of food cooking versus that sealed pot that captures all of the aroma. I also like to taste the food while it’s cooking as the flavors develop. Now try doing that when the pressure cooker is on… good luck! Please don’t even attempt doing it… you’ll be scarred for life!

There’s also the economical aspect when cooking stews… The cheapest cuts of beef are used in stew recipes. Although they are pretty tough cuts of beef, cooking them slowly for long periods of time breaks down the collagen and renders the meat which transform into tender pieces of meat. If you buy cuts of meat with less connective tissue they’ll get tough and be far from tender.

I love cooking stews and there’s one that dates back to Medieval Times that is one of my ultimate comfort foods… my Hungarian Goulash! The seasoning in this recipe is just awesome and blends so well with the other ingredients. I used to serve my goulash with mashed potatoes but a friend of mine from Toronto served hers on a bed of egg noodles and honestly, I really liked it! Is it the right way to serve it? Probably not but who cares… really! If you want to serve it with whole boiled potatoes nothing is stopping you for doing so as long as you’re happy when you eat it… now that’s the spirit you want when enjoying your goulash!

If I can describe Goulash in two words, simply put, it’s “comfort food”. It’s the kind of dish that you want to serve while the weather is still cool outside. Depending on the year, April can still be quite chilly so before the BBQ season officially begins and we start wearing open-toed sandals, this is a recipe you definitely have to give a try.
Bon Appétit!


For ingredient amounts and much more, visit

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